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Table 3 Criteria for symptomatic urinary infection Participants may have symptomatic urinary infection if a participant has recently developed one or more of the following symptoms:

From: Protocol of a prospective cohort study of the effect of different methods of drainage of neuropathic bladder on occurrence of symptomatic urinary infection, and adverse events related to the urinary drainage system in spinal cord injury patients



Increased spasms

Feeling unwell/ feeling rough

Feeling sick


Feeling cold

Swelling of the testis (scrotum)

Bypassing of the catheter in persons with indwelling catheter

Urine leak between catheterisation in persons performing intermittent catheterisation

Feeling sore in the bladder

For symptomatic urinary infection, you may have recently developed one or more of the following features as well:

Passing blood in urine

Passing smelly urine

Passing cloudy/ mucky urine