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Table 2 Results of cystometric analysis of the experimental animals

From: Changes of neuregulin-1(NRG-1) expression in a rat model of overactive bladder induced by partial urethral obstruction: is NRG-1 a new biomarker of overactive bladder?




OAB + 5-



Micturition Interval

64.73 ± 4.68

27.97 ± 4.19

39.25 ± 6.02※※

(Sec) (Mean ± SD)

Pressure Difference between Maximal Micturition Pressure and Basal Pressure (cmH2O) (Mean ± SD)

55.35 ± 4.55

50.79 ± 8.40

48.17 ± 4.99

Micturition Volume

0.612 ± 0.610

0.186 ± 0.049

0.270 ± 0.655※※

(ml) (Mean ± SD)

Micturition Time

10.63 ± 0.83

11.73 ± 1.20

10.78 ± 1.49

(Sec) (Mean ± SD)

Pressure Difference between Threshold Pressure and Basal Pressure

13.93 ± 1.05

9.47 ± 6.97

4.74 ± 3.74

(cmH2O) (Mean ± SD)

  1. OAB overactive bladder group; OAB + 5-HMT overactive bladder treated with 5-hydroxymethyl tolterodine group.
  2. Significant difference (P < 0.05) compared with the control group.
  3. ※※ Significant difference (P < 0.05) compared with OAB group.