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Figure 2 | BMC Urology

Figure 2

From: Clinical, molecular and cytogenetic analysis of 46, XX testicular disorder of sex development with SRY-positive

Figure 2

Result of multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Multiplex 1: ZFX/ZFY(690 bp), sY84 (320 bp), sY127 (274 bp); Multiplex 2: SRY (472 bp), sY86 (326 bp); Multiplex 3: sY254 (400 bp), sY134 (301 bp), sY255 (126 bp). M: DL1000 DNAMarker; W: a DNA sample from a woman as a negative control; N: a DNA sample fro-m a normal fertile man as a positive control; P: a DNA sample from the patient; B: a al-ank (water) control.

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