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Table 6 Mean total PRAFAB questionnaire and subscale scores as determined in the total group

From: Factorial validity and internal consistency of the PRAFAB questionnaire in women with stress urinary incontinence


N (%)

Total score

Leakage severity

Perceived impact

1. Referrer



150 (53.8)

11.46 (2.39)

7.69 (1.96)

3.51 (0.65)


129 (46.2)

12.52 (2.67) *

8.72 (2.19) *

4.10 (1.10) *

2. Type of stress UI


   Stress UI

240 (0.86)

11.85 (2.52)

8.09 (2.16)

3.69 (0.86)

   Mixed UIa

39 (0.14)

12.49 (2.83)

8.60 (1.90)

4.30 (1.11) *

3. Education



209 (74.9)

12.10 (2.54)

8.43 (2.01)

3.86 (0.98)


70 (25.1)

11.53 (2.62)

7.43 (1.91) *

3.41 (0.75) #

4. Physical health



57 (20.4)

12.30 (2.74) #

8.91 (2.03) *

3.70 (0.96)


222 (79.6)

11.85 (2.52)

7.96 (2.10)

3.80 (0.93)

5. Body Mass Index (kg/m2)


   < 30

253 (90.7)

11.97 (2.56)

8.16 (2.14)

3.83 (0.93)

   ≥ 30

26 (9.3)

11.69 (2.65)

8.15 (1.95)

3.34 (0.74) #

6. Failed UI surgery b



206 (26.2)

11.67 (2.52)

7.93 (2.06)

3.66 (0.81)


73 (26.2)

12.71 (2.54) *

8.81 (2.17) *

4.11 (1.14) *

7. Co morbidity (yes) c



206 (73.8)

11.68 (2.59)

7.93 (2.22)

3.71 (0.85)


73 (26.2)

12.68 (2.37)*

8.81 (1.66) *

3.96 (1.01) #

8. Low back pain d



247 (88.5)

11.81 (2.55)

8.05 (2.12)

3.77 (0.93)


32 (11.5)

13.00 (2.46) #

9.00 (1.93) #

3.84 (0.88)

  1. a Mixed but dominant stress UI.
  2. b Surgical procedures were related to women's stress urinary incontinence.
  3. c Co morbidity included (n): COPD (31), cardiovascular problems (25), and diabetes type-2 (15).
  4. d (pseudo-) radicular symptoms included (n = 11).
  5. * Significant difference between groups (p < 0.01).
  6. # Significant difference between groups (p < 0.05)