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Table 3 Prostate cancer history of the study sample (N = 133)

From: Patient preferences for treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer in Japan: a discrete-choice experiment


Total (N = 133)

Years diagnosed with PC

 Mean ± SD

6.45 ± 4.35

Metastatic disease (%)

93 (69.92 %)

 Visceral metastases (of those with metastatic disease) (%)

24 (25.81 %)

Number of bone metastases

 None (%)

73 (54.89 %)

 1 (%)

17 (12.78 %)

 2 (%)

12 (9.02 %)

 3 (%)

11 (8.27 %)

 4+ (%)

20 (15.04 %)

Skeletal-related events

 Bone pain (%)

34 (25.56 %)

 Bone fracture (%)

3 (2.26 %)

 Spinal cord compression (%)

10 (7.52 %)

 Bone surgery (%)

3 (2.26 %)

 Radiation to the bone (%)

12 (9.02 %)

 Other (%)

1 (0.75 %)

 None (%)

93 (69.92 %)

Symptomatic status

 Symptomatic (%)

27 (20.30 %)

 Asymptomatic (%)

106 (79.70 %)

ECOG performance status

 Grade 0 (%)

85 (63.91 %)

 Grade 1 (%)

42 (31.58 %)

 Grade 2 (%)

5 (3.76 %)

 Grade 3 (%)

1 (0.75 %)