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Table 3 Methods of HRQOL assessment in subgroup analysis (Chi2-Test and logistic regression analysis)

From: Assessing health-related quality of life in urology – a survey of 4500 German urologists

HRQOL assessment

Recorded and verbal Cells-% (N)

Verbal only Cells-% (N)

Recorded only Cells-% (N)

“How are you?” Cells-% (N)

Verbal Standardized HRQOL Instruments Cells-% (N)

Recorded Non- Standardized Cells-% (N)

Recorded Standardized HRQOL Instruments

Cells-% (N)

Multivariate ORa [95% CI]

Multivariate Significancea (Logistic Regression)


61.8 (960)

22.0 (342)

10.8 (143)

53.7 (833)

20.6 (320)

13.5 (209)

65.9 (1023)




64.7b (790)

24.6b (300)

10.7b (131)

52.5e (690)

20.7 (272)

13.0 (171)

65.2 (857)


P = 0.033


75.9 (170)

18.8 (42)

5.4 (12)

59.8 (143)

20.1 (48)

15.9 (38)

69.5 (166)

0.54 [0.31–0.95]

Working Environment


63.3c (433)

12.5c (81)

18.1c (117)

48.2c (432)

17.3c (126)

12.8 (89)

77.6c (541)


P = 0.178

 Private practice

69.3 (448)

33.8 (231)

2.9 (20)

5.2 (336)

24.5 (170)

14.2 (104)

55.9 (408)

0.64 [0.29–1.44]



74.1c (386)

13.4c (70)

12.5c (65)

56.6 (318)

24.4f (137)

12.3 (69)

77.6c (436)

0,96h [0.93–0.98]

P < 0.001h


64.2 (433)

26.9 (181)

8.9 (60)

52.9 (379)

18.7 (134)

13.8 (99)

62.8 (450)


55.0 (120)

38.5 (84)

6.4 (14)

50.0 (121)

16.9 (41)

14.5 (35)

47.5 (115)



66.4 (909)

24.1d (330)

9.4d (129)

53.3 (785)

20.5 (302)

13.5 (199)

65.3g (962)


P = 0.981

 In Training

66.2 (51)

15.6 (12)

18.2 (14)

59.3 (48)

22.2 (18)

12.3 (10)

76.5 (62)

0.99 [0.34–2.88]

  1. acontrolled for gender, working environment, age and qualification
  2. b p = 0.003 Chi2-Test
  3. c p < 0.001 Chi2-Test
  4. d p = 0.019 Chi2-Test
  5. e p = 0.036 Chi2-Test
  6. f p = 0.014 Chi2-Test
  7. g p = 0.038 Chi2-Test
  8. hlinear age model