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Table 1 Baseline characteristics in patients who received prescriptions for mirabegron or antimuscarinicsa

From: A retrospective study of treatment persistence and adherence to mirabegron versus antimuscarinics, for the treatment of overactive bladder in Spain



(N = 1169)


(N = 629)


(N = 1798)

Sex, N (%)


532 (45.5)

245 (39.0)

777 (43.2)


637 (54.5)

384 (61.0)

1021 (56.8)

Age, mean (SD)

66.31 (13.41)

66.61 (14.71)

66.42 (13.88)

Age category, N (%)

  < 65 years

414 (35.4)

235 (37.4)

649 (36.1)

 65–80 years

617 (52.8)

277 (44.0)

894 (49.7)

  > 80 years

138 (11.8)

117 (18.6)

255 (14.2)

BMI, mean (SD)

30.15 (5.47)

29.88 (5.62)

30.06 (5.52)

BMI category, N (%)b

 Underweight (< 18.5)

4 (0.5)

5 (1.3)

9 (0.8)

 Normal or healthy weight (18.5–24.9)

137 (17.3)

64 (16.2)

201 (17.0)

 Overweight (25.0–29.9)

277 (35.1)

153 (38.7)

430 (36.3)

 Obese (≥30.0)

372 (47.1)

173 (43.8)

545 (46.0)

Treatment status, N (%)


750 (64.2)

539 (85.7)

1289 (71.7)


419 (35.8)

90 (14.3)

509 (28.3)

Prior treatment with α-blockers, N (%)c


157 (13.4)

58 (9.2)

215 (12.0)


1012 (86.6)

571 (90.8)

1583 (88.0)

Prescriber at index date, N (%)


749 (64.1)

131 (20.8)

880 (48.9)


397 (34.0)

476 (75.7)

873 (48.6)


23 (2.0)

22 (3.5)

45 (2.5)

Type of care for prescribed index drug, N (%)


397 (34.0)

476 (75.7)

873 (48.6)


23 (66.1)

22 (24.3)

45 (51.4)

  1. BMI body mass index, GP general practitioner, SD standard deviation
  2. aAt index date
  3. bData based on 1185 patients (mirabegron: N = 790; antimuscarinics: N = 395)
  4. cData based on follow-up post-index date