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Table 2 Areas with risk of lesion in the main autonomic nerves, and their effects

From: Dissection of the inferior mesenteric vein versus of the inferior mesenteric artery for the genitourinary function after laparoscopic approach of rectal cancer surgery: a randomized controlled trial

Nerve injured


Area of risk

Urinary dysf.

Sexual dysf.

SHP (sympathetic)

Dissection and ligature of IMA

Stress urinary incontinence

Retrograde ejaculation

Hypogastric nerves


Posterior dissection


Alteration in ejaculation (no alteration erection)

Splanchnic nerves (parasympathetic)

Rare in TME

In radical lymph node dissections

Neurogenic bladder

Men: alteration erection

Women: Dyspareunia

IHP (mixed)

Lateral dissection


Difficulty voiding

Problems with ejaculation and erection

- IHP one-sided


Difficulty voiding

Men: Ejaculation and erection problems

Women: Problems with genital lubrication

- IHP two-sided


Bladder denervation

Men: impotence

Women: dyspareunia and ↓ability to reach orgasm

Neurovascular bundle of Walsh and cavernous nerve


Anterior dissection


Men: impotencia and erectile dysfunction

Women:dispareunia and reduced genital lubrication

Pudendo nerve and levator ani


Perineal stage of Miles APR

Urinary incontinence

Sexual sensorial impotence