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Table 1 Reasons for urinary retention. Modified after [18, 25]

From: Burkitt’s lymphoma of the prostate presenting as acute urinary retention: a case report

Reasons for mechanical obstruction

Adenocarcinoma or sarcomatoid carcinoma of the prostate

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Prostatic, appendiceal abscess

Prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Sarcoma, lymphoma of the prostate


Ectopic Ureterocele


Urethral valves, strictures

Uterine fibroids or other tumors

Impacted retroverted uterus

Gastrointestinal tumors


Cystocele or rectocele

Foreign bodies (external or internal)


Phimosis, paraphimosis

Blood clots from bleeding in the bladder or upper urinary tract

Reasons for increased sphincter tone

Neurofibromatosis in the prostate

Anorectal surgery

Fowler’s syndrome

Reasons for interference with sensory or motor innervation to the bladder

Diabetic cystopathy

Herpes zoster in the sacral dermatomes (S2-S4)


Cauda equina syndrome/Elsberg syndrome/Guillan-Barré syndrome


Transverse myelitis in Lyme disease