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Table 3 Association between each metabolic syndrome component and LUTS.

From: Benign prostatic hyperplasia and metabolic syndrome; prevalence and association: a cross-sectional study in Syria


IPSS severity

P value

Mild (0–7)

Moderate (8–19)

Severe (20–35)

Waist circumference (≥ 102 cm)

< 0.001*

Yes: 297 (69.7%)

29 (6.8%)

109 (25.6%)

159 (37.3%)


No: 129 (30.3%)

23 (5.4%)

65 (15.3%)

41 (9.6%)


Blood pressure (SBP ≥ 130 mmHg or/and DBP ≥ 85 mmHg)


Yes: 263 (61.7%)

33 (7.7%)

105 (24.6%)

125 (29.3%)


No: 163 (38.3%)

19 (4.5%)

69 (16.2%)

75 (17.6%)


Fasting blood glucose (≥ 110 mg/dl)

< 0.001*

Yes: 218 (51.2%)

36 (8.5%)

68 (16%)

114 (26.8%)


No: 208 (48.8%)

16 (3.8%)

106 (24.9%)

86 (20.2%)


HDL (≤ 40 mg/dl)


Yes: 146 (34.3%)

10 (2.3%)

56 (13.1%)

80 (18.8%)


No: 280 (65.7%)

42 (9.9%)

118 (27.7%)

120 (28.2%)


Triglycerides (≥ 150 mg/dl)

< 0.001*

Yes: 155 (36.4%)

12 (2.8%)

51 (12%)

92 (21.6%)


No: 271 (63.6%)

40 (9.4%)

123 (28.9%)

108 (25.4%)