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Table 2 Distribution of FTs according to the study group

From: What is the safe and effective dilator number during access in PCNL? Three-shot dilation versus classical sequential Amplatz dilation


3SD (n = 138)

SAD (n = 145)


Access 1 FTa (mean ± SD) (median)

9.22 ± 5.88 (8)

9.41 ± 5.07 (8)


Access 2 FTb (sec) (mean ± SD) (median)

45.99 ± 22.16 (41)

71.86 ± 20.79 (69)


Total access FT (sec) (mean ± SD) (median)

55.21 ± 23.42 (50)

81.26 ± 21.56 (80)


Post-access FTc (sec) (mean ± SD) (median)

17.09 ± 15.16 (13)

20.59 ± 30 (11)


Total operation FT (sec) (mean ± SD) (median)

72.36 ± 28.58 (66)

101.83 ± 39.96 (90)


  1. FT Fluoroscopy time, 3SD Three-shot dilation, SAD: sequential Amplatz dilatation, SD Standard deviation
  2. *Mann-Whitney U test
  3. **statistically significant
  4. aFT from the insertion of the needle to the placement of the guidewire into the calix
  5. bFT from the advancement of the style over the guide wire to the placement of the Amplatz sheath
  6. cfrom the start of nephroscopy to nephrostomy catheter placement