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Table 3 Total access and total operation times of the study groups

From: What is the safe and effective dilator number during access in PCNL? Three-shot dilation versus classical sequential Amplatz dilation


3SD (n = 138)

SAD (n = 145)


Total access time (sec) (mean ± SD) (median)

266.01 ± 50.17 (263)

443.42 ± 54.92 (440)


Total operation time (min) (mean ± SD) (median)

54.71 ± 37.63 (43)

60.1 ± 42.47 (45)


  1. 3SD Three-shot dilation, SAD Sequential Amplatz dilatation, SD Standard deviation
  2. 1Mann-Whitney U test
  3. *statistically significant