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Table 1 Demographics and clinical characteristics

From: Percutaneous nephrolithotomy guided by 5G-powered robot-assisted teleultrasound diagnosis system: first clinical experience with a novel tele-assistance approach (IDEAL stage 1)



Total cases, n


Age, yr, median (IQR)

42 (33)

Gender, n (%)



6 (40)


9 (60)

Body mass index, kg/m2

23.9 (9.7)

Anesthesiologists Society of America score, n (%)



8 (53.3)


5 (33.3)


1 (6.7)


1 (6.7)

Preoperative renal function, n (%)



14 (93.3)


1 (6.7)

Guy’s Stone Scores grade, n (%)



10 (66.7)


5 (33.3)

Total stone volume, cm3, median (IQR)

4.7 (2.8)

Stone density, HU, median (IQR)

1044 (490.6)

Previous extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, n (%)



8 (53.3)


7 (46.7)

Previous kidney-stone surgerya, n (%)



7 (46.7)


8 (53.3)

Presence of hydronephrosis, n (%)



6 (40)


9 (60)

Mid-stream urine culture, n (%)



8 (53.3)


7 (46.7)

Renal-related anatomical abnormalityb, n (%)



11 (73.3)


4 (26.7)

  1. a Including flexible ureteroscopy lithotripsy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy or pyelolithotomy;
  2. b Including solitary kidney, horseshoe kidney, notable nephroptosis, ectopic thoracic kidney caused by scoliosis deformity or rachiterata;
  3. HU = hounsfield unit; IQR = interquartile range