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Fig. 4 | BMC Urology

Fig. 4

From: Establishment and validation of a novel peroxisome-related gene prognostic risk model in kidney clear cell carcinoma

Fig. 4

Establishment of a peroxisome-related gene risk model in the training cohort. A Univariate Cox regression analysis of OS for 30 DE-PRGs. B LASSO Cox regression analysis of the 14 DE-PRGs. C Cross-validation for tuning the parameter selection in the LASSO Cox regression analysis. D The boxplot showed the distribution of risk scores for survival and death patients. E PCA plot for KIRCs based on the risk score of the training cohort. F Survival curves for patients in the high-risk and low-risk groups of the training cohort. G ROC demonstrated the predictive efficiency of the risk score of the training cohort. H Distribution of patients based on the risk score of the training cohort. (up). The survival status for each patient of the training cohort. (low-risk population: on the left side of the dotted line; high-risk population: on the right side of the dotted line) (mid). Heat map of patient gene signature based on risk score of the training cohort. (down)

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