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Fig. 7 | BMC Urology

Fig. 7

From: De-obstruction of bladder outlet in humans reverses organ remodelling by normalizing the expression of key transcription factors

Fig. 7

Transcription factors (TFs) regulated by BPO and role of SOX21 in obstruction-driven bladder remodelling. A Bubble plot of TFs detected regulated in BPO datasets. Log2FC of up-regulated (in brown-red) and down-regulated (in blue) TF are shown in each dataset (HP before and after TURP, MP before and after TURP) compared to controls. A graph shows normalized read counts for SOX21 mRNA in all samples. B DEGs regulated by SOX21 and their involvement in biological processes. Heatmap and hierarchical clustering of all predicted SOX21 mRNA targets in BPO datasets based on Log2FC. Treemap views of GO-term clusters (Biological processes, BPs) for DEGs in clusters 2, 4 and 5, which showed regulation after de-obstruction. Word clouds of up-regulated (in red) and down-regulated (in blue) DEGs in each cluster, font size corresponding to the frequency of appearance in GO BPs, regulation based on log2FC values in before_high vs. control transcriptome dataset. C DEPs regulated by SOX21 and their involvement in biological processes. Heatmap and hierarchical clustering of all predicted SOX21 protein targets in BPO datasets based on Log2FC. Treemap views of GO-terms (Biological processes, BPs) for DEGs in cluster 2, which showed regulation after de-obstruction. Word clouds of up-regulated (in red) and down-regulated (in blue) DEPs in cluster 2, font size corresponding to the frequency of appearance in GO BPs, regulation based on log2FC values in before_high vs. control proteome dataset

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