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Table 1 The definition of FUS used in the included studies

From: Forgotten ureteral stents: a systematic review of literature

Definition of FUS

% (n)

Terms used (n = 147)



66.7 (98)

 Lost to follow-up

12.2 (18)


8.2 (12)


6.1 (9)


3.4 (5)

 Long indwelling

2.7 (4)


0.7 (1)

Case series: criteria* for indwelling time of FUS (n = 38)


 >3 months

26.3 (10)

 >6 months

47.4 (18)

 >12 months

26.3 (10)

Case reports: indwelling time of FUS (n = 130)


 3–6 months

3.8 (5)

 6–12 months

3.1 (4)

 1–2 years

14.5 (19)

 2–5 years

27.5 (36)

 5–10 years

29.0 (38)

 10–20 years

16.0 (21)

 >20 years

5.3 (7)

  1. FUS, forgotten ureteral stent
  2. * If no criterion was defined, then the minimum indwelling time of FUS which was mentioned in the article was used as the cut-off point.