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Table 3 Clinical manifestations of forgotten ureteral stents

From: Forgotten ureteral stents: a systematic review of literature

Primary presenting complaints (n = 880)

% (n)

 Flank pain*

37.3 (328)


33.3 (293)


22.8 (201)


18.0 (158)

 Fever or systemic infections

19.2 (169)


10.8 (95)

 Uraemic symptoms

4.2 (37)


1.0 (9)

Complications (total n)


 Encrustation (1303)

80.8 (1053)

 UTIs, positive urine culture (880)

40.2 (354)

 Elevated sCr or impaired eGFR (392)

25.8 (101)

 Spontaneous fracture (949)

16.1 (153)

 Migration (951)

7.2 (68)

  1. *few patients presented with suprapubic pain; ** passage of small stent fragments from urine;
  2. eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; LUTS, lower urinary tract symptoms; sCr, serum creatinine; UTI, urinary tract infection