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Table 1 Ideal candidate for focal therapy

From: Focal cryosurgical ablation of the prostate: a single institute’s perspective

Serum PSA

PSA < 10 ng/mL, PSAD < 0.15 ng/mL/g

Clinical stage

T1NxMx or T2aNxMx

Pathologic evaluation/Gleason score**

3 + 3 or less (no grade 4 or 5)


No more than 2 adjacent regions positive for cancer


Total length of cancer <10 mm total and <7 mm in any 1 core; <1/3 of cores positive for cancer

  1. * Modified from Sartor et al., 2008 [4] **10 core minimum biopsy schema, plus 2 additional cores for every 10 g of prostate >40 g (max 18 cores).