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Table 4 Clinical characteristics of patients undergoing 2-stage BMG urethroplasty (N = 19)

From: Use of buccal mucosa grafts for urethral reconstruction in children: a retrospective cohort study


N (%) or median [IQR]

Age at 1 st stage surgery

8.1 [2.8-16.0]

Duration of follow-up in months a

8.2 [5.4-18.3]

Age at follow-up in years a

21.3 [6.9-37.7]

Indication(s) for buccal repair b



15 (79.0)


6 (31.6)


5 (26.3)


2 (10.5)


6 (31.6)

Graft length in cm

3.8 [2.0-4.3]

  1. aN = 14 patients who underwent both stages and had follow-up.
  2. bNumbers add to >100% due to patients with multiple indications for repair.