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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: The prostate cancer detection rates of CEUS-targeted versus MRI-targeted versus systematic TRUS-guided biopsies in biopsy-naïve men: a prospective, comparative clinical trial using the same patients

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

1. Age ≥ 18 years

2. Signed informed consent

3. Referred for prostate mpMRI and prostate biopsies

1. Is incapable of understanding the language in which the information for the patient is given

2. Has undergone previous prostate biopsies

3. Active (urinary tract) infection or prostatitis

4. History of any clinically evidence of cardiac right-to-left shunts

5. Receives treatment that includes dobutamine

6. Severe pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary artery pressure >90 mmHg) or uncontrolled systemic hypertension or respiratory distress syndrome

7. Any medical condition or other circumstances which would significantly decrease the chances of obtaining reliable data, achieving study objectives, or completing the study

8. Any (further) contraindication to undergo mpMRI or CEUS imaging

  1. mpMRI multiparamteric Magentic Resonance Imaging, CEUS Contrast - Enhanced Ultrasound