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Table 3 Postoperative complications among the patient population during stage 1

From: Does age alone negatively predict the outcome of sacral neuromodulation? A single-centre retrospective observational study

Clavien grade – Postoperative complicationsa stage 1

Overall population

n = 95 pts

A: Patients < 70 years

n = 75 pts

B: Patients ≥70 years

n = 20 pts


“patients < 70 years” versus “patients ≥70 years”

Clavien I

Urinary infection

1 (1.1)

1 (1.3)


Lack of items.

Clavien IIIb

Wound infection stage 1 (< 30 days)

1 (1.1)

1 (1.3)


Sum total

2 (2/95, 2.1%)

2 (2/75, 2.7%)


  1. (n = 95 patients), 2 postoperative complications in 2 patients
  2. aPostoperative complications according to the Clavien-Dindo classification [19, 20], presented as the number and percentage