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Table 5 The impact of nocturia on sleep disturbance and factors affecting the sleep disturbance

From: Prevalence of nocturia among community-dwelling adults: a population-based study in Malaysia


Degree of sleep disturbance (n, %)

p value*

Less than half the time

About half the time or more

Total respondents

1655 (62.7)

983 (37.3)


Frequency of nocturia


1241 (75.0)

329 (33.5)

 < 0.001


273 (16.5)

433 (44.0)


 Three times or more

141 (8.5)

221 (22.5)




730 (44.1)

215 (21.9)

 < 0.001


375 (22.6)

215 (21.9)



210 (12.7)

154 (15.6)



233 (14.1)

273 (27.8)


 > 60

107 (6.5)

126 (12.8)




681 (41.1)

417 (42.4)



974 (58.9)

566 (57.6)


Employment status


391 (23.6)

98 (10.0)

 < 0.001

 Employed for wages

938 (56.7)

613 (62.3)



116 (7.0)

98 (10.0)



210 (12.7)

174 (17.7)

  1. *Based on Chi-square test, the statistical significance level was 0.05; n = 2638