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Table 1 Dose-dependent inhibitory effects resulting from cumulative doses of baclofen versus repeated doses of saline on visceromotor responses to urinary bladder distension measured as % baseline AUC

From: Systemic and intrathecal baclofen produce bladder antinociception in rats








Plus ABI



Plus ABI


Cumulative dose IP

n = 8

n = 8

Repeated dose IP

n = 8

n = 8

Baclofen 1 mg/kg

115.2 ± 23.4

113.0 ± 15.2

Saline 1st

142.5 ± 16.8

154.6 ± 9.1

Baclofen 2 mg/kg

101.5 ± 25.4

96.0 ± 17.8*

Saline 2nd

145.9 ± 19.5

156.6 ± 8.4

Baclofen 4 mg/kg

57.5 ± 22.2*

67.9 ± 15.3*

Saline 3rd

145.5 ± 18.0

142.9 ± 11.2

Baclofen 8 mg/kg

17.2 ± 6.8*

21.0 ± 9.5*

Saline 4th

156.7 ± 19.8

141.8 ± 8.8

Cumulative dose IT

n = 8

n = 8

Repeated dose IT

n = 6

n = 6

Baclofen 10 ng

104.6 ± 5.3

119.4 ± 16.4

Saline 1st

110.8 ± 9.3

111.2 ± 10.2

Baclofen 20 ng

82.0 ± 7.2

89.2 ± 12.0

Saline 2nd

88.3 ± 18.2

94.9 ± 9.9

Baclofen 40 ng

49.9 ± 11.8*

64.7 ± 15.8*

Saline 3rd

114.2 + 24.2

112.0 ± 14.9

Baclofen 80 ng

24.5 ± 8.3*

30.5 ± 15.1*

Saline 4th

114.0 ± 25.1

121.1 ± 15.9

Baclofen 160 ng

9.9 ± 4.6*

9.1 ± 9.1*

Saline 5th

93.7 ± 21.1

142.0 ± 22.7

  1. Data represents mean ± SEM
  2. AUC indicates Area-Under-the-Curve, a statistic describing vigor of visceromotor responses to graded urinary Bladder distension (10–60 mm Hg, 20 s). See text for more complete description
  3. NBI neonatal bladder inflammation—pretreatment as defined in section “Neonatal bladder inflammation (NBI)” of text; ABI adult bladder inflammation—pretreatment as defined in section “Adult bladder inflammation (ABI)” of text, mcg microgram, ng nanogram, kg kilogram, IP intraperitoneal, IT intrathecal
  4. *Statistically significant difference from Saline-dosed rats in same Pretreatment category (p < 0.05, unpaired t-test)