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Table 1 Baseline demographics of the patients

From: Significance of postoperative membranous urethral length and position of vesicourethral anastomosis for short-term continence recovery following robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy


Number (%) or median (range)

Age, year

72 (51–81)

BMI, kg/m2

23.2 (17.9–27.8)

PSA, ng ml

8.2 (1.9–148)

Prostate volume, ml

31.0 (7.9–109.8)

Biopsy Gleason score


42 (16.7)

 3 + 4

69 (27.5)

 4 + 3

49 (19.5)


52 (20.7)

 ≥ 9

39 (15.6)

Clinical T stage


11 (4.4)


133 (53.0)


2 (0.8)


42 (16.7)


53 (21.1)


10 (4.0)

Clinical N stage


243 (96.8)


8 (3.2)

Risk classification

 Low or intermediate

105 (41.8)


83 (33.1)

 Locally advanced

63 (25.1)

Preoperative ADT


154 (61.4)


97 (38.6)

Preoperative MUL, mm

11.2 (5.8–18.8)

Postoperative MUL, mm

10.1 (4.2–15.8)



230 (91.6)


21 (8.4)

NVB sparing


221 (88.0)

 Unilateral or bilateral

30 (12.0)



191 (76.1)

 Standard or extended

60 (23.9)


10.6 (− 5.3 to 25.2)

Operation time, min

168 (92–322)

EBL, ml

108 (0–1575)

Pathologic T stage


7 (2.8)

 T2 or ypT2

189 (75.3)

 T3 or ypT3

55 (21.9)

Surgical margin


192 (76.5)


59 (23.5)

  1. BMI, body mass index; PSA, prostate specific antigen; ADT, androgen deprivation therapy; MUL, membranous urethral length; NVB, neurovascular bundle; PLND, pelvic lymph node dissection; PVUA, position of vesico-urethral anastomosis; EBL, estimated blood loss