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Table 2 Study outcomes assessed

From: A retrospective study on the incidence, management and risk factors of skin rash in patients with advanced prostate cancer in Japan



Incidence proportion of skin rash

The proportion of new cases of skin rash during a specific period

Patient-year incidence rate

Period between the index date to the first diagnosis of skin rash and defined as the ratio of number of new cases of skin rash to the total time the population was at risk of skin rash

Types and counts of prescribed medications for management of skin rash

The type of drug (oral antihistamine, systemic corticosteroid, and topical corticosteroid) and number of patients receiving each type of skin rash treatment

Duration of skin rash

The time from initial record of skin rash treatment for patients diagnosed with skin rash to the last record of skin rash diagnosis and skin rash treatment with treatment durations

Drugs administered between index date and the first onset of skin rash

The number and proportion of patients receiving prostate cancer treatment between the index date and the first onset of skin rash