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Table 1 Ultrasound grading system for inguinal lymph nodesa

From: Improved outcome in penile cancer with radiologically enhanced stratification protocol for lymph node staging procedures: a study in 316 inguinal basins with a mean follow-up of 5 years

aThe grading is based on size, shape, short-long axis ratio, eccentric cortical hypertrophy, absence of an echogenic hilum, hypo-echogenicity of the lymph node, lymph node necrosis and abnormal vascularity using power Doppler

1 = normal

2 = abnormal but benign

3 = abnormal and indeterminate, but with a low risk of malignancy – further assessment required

4 = suspicious with a moderate risk of malignancy – further assessment required

5 = suspicious with a high risk of malignancy – further assessment required (clinical and imaging, path is definitive)