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Table 2 Benefits and side effects of medications for storage symptoms

From: Comparison of add-on medications for persistent storage symptoms after α-blocker treatment in BPH patients – a network meta-analysis



Side effects


standard, widely used pharmacotherapy for OAB and effective in men

dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, dizziness


favorable tolerability, improved persistence and adherence, and cost-effective comparing with antimuscarinics over long-term treatment

headache, hypertension, tachycardia, constipation


reducing frequency, urgency, and nocturia by decreasing urinary output and increasing duration of reaching functional bladder capacity

headache, nausea, dizziness, hyponatremia


Antimuscarinics + α-blockers

improve urgency, voiding frequency, nocturia, and IPSS without significantly reducing Qmax than α-blockers alone

more frequent side effects than using each drug separately, such as dry month

 β3-agonists + α-blockers

greater improvements in OAB symptom score than monotherapy

hypertension, headache, nasopharyngitis

Desmopressin + α-blockers

effective and well tolerated treatment for refractory nocturia
